
 Sana and Alan spotted a queer boat bobbing at the seashore as if waving to them. They had never seen one like this and felt drawn to it. The most unique ornaments were on display-mother of pearls, coral earrings and what not. Alan inspected the sea gems on display while Sana stepped inside the boat. She spotted a sign written 'BOOKS' and made her way towards it. She entered the room which contained an ornate bookshelf homing luscious leather-bound books all in a deep sea-green colour. She ran her hands on the book spines, each book had a golden coloured shell stuck on it. She started reading the titles aloud-  Mermaids Nooks, Seafarers Secrets, Fisherman Alley...

"Wow what interesting titles. It would be wonderful delving in one of those in this billowing boat."

She chose Mermaid's Nook book and took it out. She suddenly felt an engine whirring.

'Wait we are still here! Where are we headed?" exclaimed Alan. 

"Aye aye Mermaid Nook it is!" A dwarf sailor dressed in blue quipped. The sailor reminded Sana of the Smurfs characters.

"What a queer sailor!", exclaimed Alan.

He rocketed the boat in circles till  a tornado rose engulfing them all. The inferno died down as quickly as it started and they found themselves on a creek.

"Where are we?"

"Aye aye Mermaids Nook" he said and plop he disappeared in the sea.

"Wait where did you go? Mr Blue man??"

Alan jumped out of the boat and landed on the shore sure-footed.

"Wow look at the view its beautiful. Hey Sana come over here!"

Sana was still brooding by the boat.

"Its okay he will come back later to pick us up like Uncle Joe. Let's have a look around this island."

No how can he just bring us to an unknown island just like that and disappear! This is not done!

Alan walked further until his eyes met a shimmering figure. He could not believe his own eyes! He thought they existed only in books and movies!

He ran back to Sana; his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Come won't believe what I just saw...Mermaids!"

Mermaids! You are not just saying this to persuade me to accompany you right!

"I swear I just saw one...there she is!"he said pointing to a mermaid with a magnificent tail covered in teal and golden scales.

"Hello precious visitors, Sirena welcomes you to Mermaids Nook." she said in a husky voice.

"Here take this as a token of welcome", she said taking off one of her necklaces and put it around Sana's neck.
"Wow it's so beautiful thank you so much." Sana said adjusting the pearl necklace with a fish shaped topaz pendant.
"Have a look around, make yourself at home dearie." She said stroking Sana's cheek.

"Hey look there are more mermaids sunbathing. All in different coloured scales."
Sana exclaimed.

Both sibling made a tour of the island and admired the different shells strewn on the beach.

After trudging for a while Sana started feeling tired.

"My feet feel numb, I can't walk anymore."Sana said sitting on a rock.

"Let me look for some fruits, It's almost lunch am feeling hungry too." Alan replied.

He found some wild berries and guavas which he picked. While he  made his way back he heard a vigorous flapping sound

Intrigued he went towards the noise and noticed it was another mermaid swishing her bright blue and silver tipped tail in water.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

" My sister is there...she is tired so I came looking for water."

"You shouldn't be here!"

"But why?!"

"Yes Sirena traps visitors as mermaids here to guard this island. She lures them with gifts and turns them into mermaids. Run. Get out of here." She whispered.

Alan dashed back to get to Sana.

"Alan what took you so long? I can't feel my feet anymore! I can't even walk!"

"We got to run!"

"What! But why? And I can't even walk and you are talking about running!"

Alan yanked the necklace Sirena had gifted her and threw it away. He eased Sana up and pulled her so that she leaned on his shoulder and headed to the shore.

"Will you explain what's happening Alan?"

"That Sirena!" He said between bated breaths, "she wants to trap us!"

"The boat! Let's find the boat!"exclaimed Sana.

They rushed to the shore and their darting eyes peered for the boat.

There it is!
By now, the charm of the necklace had worn off and Sana could bear weight on her feet. They both ran as fast as they could to reach the boat.

"Are you leaving already?," Sirena asked suddenly appearing from under the boat
She tried to  propel herself on the boat.
"Come on now don't be difficult dear children" she said flapping her tail furiously.

Alan went to the steering of the boat but it wouldn't budge.

"How to get the boat going?" Shouted a desperate Alan.

"I have no idea," replied a desolate Sana, watching Sirena easing half her body on their boat.

On a whim Sana rushed to the library and removed a random book from the bookshelf. The blue sailor appeared, the waves rose again and they were swept away from the mermaid's realm.

"Pheww that was a quick escape!"

A fishy stench wafted in the air with distant hullabaloo of voices.

Where are we?

Aye aye Fisherman's Alley!


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