Elimination of Youth Violence


You are what you see.


Violence amongst youngsters is unfortunately on the rise. It creeps onto them and darkens the future of our future pioneers. In order to eliminate violence let's delve into the root causes of this scourge.

     A child is constantly witnessing domestic violence at home or is a battered child, this affects his psyche. He/she grows up with the idea that violence is the solution to maintain supremacy. This results in a youngster who ends up being a bully resorting to violence at the drop of a hat. The battered child unleashes his/her bottled up frustration through blows and wounds.

    On the other side of the coin, we have the spoilt child who thinks throwing tantrums is key to get what he wants. They might even resort to self-inflicted violence to influence people to yield to their indulgences. Therefore it becomes important to tackle these causes and refer the child going through these situation to a psychologist for counseling.

    Remember the times when you came back from school and sat with your cup of tea watching cartoons? A relaxing time punctuated with laughter and learning. Alas, the latest cartoons have shifted from the funny humanised animals to superheroes fighting with swords on battlefields. They are packed with sparks and flashes of colour which affect the brain and the eyes. Lesisure activities included playing football, hopsctoch, marbles and make-believe games. those were activity packed games with social interactions.


     Now the fad is latest mobile phones. Mobile phones provide a very sedentary alternative for enjoyment- Video-games. Most video-games are all based on violence be it or racing cars involving blowing your adversaries cars to smithereens to win the game or fighting to reign a village or castle. Being violent is rewarded like Pavlov experience. Even in movies, the only way to settle scores or save the world is beating and blows. A way to curb violence is to keep a tab on what programmes and videogames the youngster views. 




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