Dhanteras - How far the light goes??

The word Dhanteras is made of two words - Dhan which means wealth, and Teras which means 13th day.On this auspicious day people buy precious metals gold and silver ornaments and utensils to enhance the household prosperity. The logic behind buying that something made of metal is the fact that it  is considered the harbinger of good luck and is supposed to keep negative energy at bay.

In all the hustle bustle to welcome a deity have you spared a thought for the lady of the house?
I hope while lighting 5 diya to welcome Maa Lakshmi..you have a thought for the lakshmi already residing in your house. The lakshmi who makes your house a home, who makes delicacies out of mere groceries.
5 loving words go farther than the light of 5 diyas. 5 caring words towards your wife will bequeath you far more happiness.
Some people rush to buy a chunri for the idol..but the same person won't care to ask the ladies in the house of they want a saree for Diwali.

We decorate our entrance with colourful rangolis to please the goddess.
really? you really expect the Goddess to appear in front of you with a pot full of gold coins? No! The real wealth comes by respecting the women of their homes,  thus assuring their progress.

Dhanteras engages themes of cleansing, renewal, and the securing of auspiciousness in the form of Lakshmi.

This Dhanteras cleanse yourself of negativity and ego, and welcome prosperity in your home by respecting women as you rever the deity.

This Dhanteras light a lamp of enlightenment within yourself and watch how you shine.

This Dhanteras make a Rangoli of positive vibes around you and your close ones.

Happy Dhanteras!


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