The Voice Unheard

Are you an empathetic listener?
Do you find yourself listening to people's problems and rack your brain to solve them?
Have you wasted one whole day trying to help somebody?
Do you feel in conversations someone always cut you out to talk?
Do you always wait for someone to finish his ranting so you can share something only to find you have been kept waiting?
Join the gang of Empath listeners.

Yes, we empathetic listeners ... we are the ones people turn to to shed the weight of their griefs and sorrows.
But do you ever realise that we also have things to share?

1. To some listening might seem To be something passive...but empathetic listening is a very active process...and a draining one to be honest. Believe me empaths are like a sponge who imbibe all your vibes. We filter your negative vibes and send you warm bubbly positive vibe. Thats why you feel 'light' after sharing your problems with that person and you find yourself always going to that same person every time you have a problem. Read that again...every time you have a...problem. That is the problem. Empath listeners end up becoming important only when people have to whine and complain.

2. Have you had tons of experiences to find a friend and start with all the zeal you have only to be cut off in mid conversation?
 You realise at the end , you hardly shared any of your moments ... listened. So ultimately you go back with the same weight of your good/bad experiences on your back... because you have been stamped by the deal of 'the listener.'

3. You find yourself racking your brain to find solutions to everything. Most of the time the problem is not there but you are still trying to find a solution because the esteemed 'parasites' don't even have the courtesy of telling you that their problem has been solved.

You have listened ....but were you heard?


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