
Showing posts from 2021

Women's Flight

  Women's Flight  Don't try to clip our wings With scissors of societal norm We have been oppressed For way too long. Don't try to hold us down In the cage of stereotypes For we know our worth And our ideas we will put forth. Don't try to stop our flight With your condescending backbite For we are meant to soar Unnerved by your gender-based uproar. We are no longer distressed damsels We are queens in our own castles Proving ourselves in various fields Talents of multitasking we women wield. Let's spread our wings And fly till great heights Supporting each other In our emancipated flight. . © Leena Auckel 


  Sana and Alan spotted a queer boat bobbing at the seashore as if waving to them. They had never seen one like this and felt drawn to it. The most unique ornaments were on display-mother of pearls, coral earrings and what not. Alan inspected the sea gems on display while Sana stepped inside the boat. She spotted a sign written 'BOOKS' and made her way towards it. She entered the room which contained an ornate bookshelf homing luscious leather-bound books all in a deep sea-green colour. She ran her hands on the book spines, each book had a golden coloured shell stuck on it. She started reading the titles aloud-  Mermaids Nooks, Seafarers Secrets, Fisherman Alley... "Wow what interesting titles. It would be wonderful delving in one of those in this billowing boat." She chose Mermaid's Nook book and took it out. She suddenly felt an engine whirring. 'Wait we are still here! Where are we headed?" exclaimed Alan.   "Aye aye Mermaid Nook it is!" ...