Mission December

Elvin pressed the sanitiser bottle and two dollops of clear glittery fluid landed on his palms. He rubbed it all over his hands and between his fingers. His nose twitched accommodating to the smell. This ritual was new to him. He was told this was compulsory because of a novel virus outbreak which had rapidly spread across the world. "Okay back to work, we got loads of packing to do!" "Do you think he will take us along for the mission?" "I don't think so. There are social distancing guidelines in force.” "But how will he manage alone? Its so risky nowadays, I heard some people have even installed cameras." "Yeah, he was almost caught during last year's transaction... he escaped just in time. Mary managed to distract the people by creating a commotion." "But people are staying home nowadays. Not much movement outside." They heard footsteps approaching and a booming voice asked,"What are you two whispering about? Is ...